Oldest Bike Day

14 March, 2010

It was Picnic Time at Point England beside the Tamaki River - and time to bring out your oldest bike.

This meant that you could have brought a bike with you that you had bought only the day before.

But several members brought along machines a bit older than that.




Here's Bill unloading his, under the watchful eyes of Pelham and Ray H.

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Bill is joined by Annette and Ray M with their beauties.

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Scott and mum, Gayleen, arrive back from their ride alongside the Tamaki River.

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Lyn and grandson Ethan closely followed by John G, Briar, Pelham and Robyn.

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Lyn and Ethan had parked their bikes before Caroll had seen them arrive back.









18 month old Jacob - obviously enjoying himself - on the back of his Dad's bike.

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Lunch time.

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The Parade of oldest bikes.


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Bill's is an Empire dating from around 1952.
Keith has a Holdsworth from about the same era.
Annette's bike Mary, named after her mother, is a Phillips dating back to the early 1940s.
Ray's is his wife's Triumph from 1957.
And Pelham has a Raleigh from about 1970.







Photos: Caroll





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