13 June, 2010

Exploring Papakura Channel
without a Kayak











Keith took us on this route for the first time in August last year.

The 14 riders really enjoyed it so Keith kindly ran it again for us today - with 16 riders.




Briefing time before we leave.
I think Keith was pointing to the colossal black cloud that was sneaking
around the corner of the building.

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Last time we did this ride it was a gloriously fine day.
Not so this time!!!

Very soon after setting off, we got dumped on.

But the Ground Effect jackets worked a treat.

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Coffee time (remember, this is ACTA : the Auckland Coffee Touring Assn) at bb's.
Some riders had become a little paranoid about the rain and could not even part with
their jackets inside.

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Before we knew it, we were at our lunch stop in Weymouth.
We had to take shelter from a squall, just before setting off for the afternoon.

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A tricky little descent.
The path had steps and was a bit slippery : Annie thought straight across the grass was the way to go.

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Another interesting descent - rideable (carefully) this time.

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With a rainbow behing us, all must be well with the world.
ACTA is obviously a Pot of Gold.

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