25 July, 2010

Opening of the
Mt Roskill Pathway


Open Day on the new
Mangere Bridge






Gathering at the start of our ride in Melrose Road, Mt Roskill.

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Deputy Mayor David Hay addressing the crowd.

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The 365m cycleway takes in the volcanic cone of Puketapapa-Mt Roskill in Winstone Park. It features stone walls and picnic and open-space areas, as well as fencing designed in consultation with Ngati Whatua representatives. There is also a carved Maori waharoa (gateway) at the park's cycleway entrance, as a reminder of the mountain's history as a pa site.

Construction of the cycleway project took six months and was jointly funded by Auckland City Council, the Mt Roskill Community Board and the New Zealand Transport Agency.

"The view from Puketapapa-Mt Roskill is great and the cycleway will be a legacy for future generations to enjoy," says Councillor John Lister, Auckland City Council's cycling and road safety spokesperson.

The Mt Roskill Community Board's chairperson, Richard Barter, adds that the path has already proven to be popular, even before its official opening.

"This is very satisfying and I urge more people to come and enjoy it," he says.

(From City Scene 25/07/2010)






Ngarimu Blair speaking about the history of Puketapapa,
and the involvement of Ngati Whatua.

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Ngarimu Blair is Ngati Whatua o Orakei’s spokesperson on heritage and environment. He is a heritage and urban planner specialising in urban sustainability issues and has developed plans for harnessing 21st century technology while returning the dormant values of kaitiakitanga.  

Ngarimu’s work has involved revitalising Te Reo ( the Maori language), art, haka, waiata and other Maori cultural assets. This has entailed research into the role of Maori heritage in creating unique spaces and places.  He is currently managing the largest ecological restoration project on the Auckland Isthmus, this is being undertaken at Bastion Point and is unique in Aotearoa   (New Zealand) for the scale of its native forest restoration without the use of pesticides and chemicals.

 He is also a trustee of the Ngati Whatua o Orakei Maori Trust Board and a director on all of its companies.

Ngarimu was the recipient of the 2010 Sir Peter Blake Emerging Leader Award.










The Waharoa at the entrance to the pathway.
The flat top of the Waharoa represents the flat top of Puketapapa

(which means flat topped hill) and its volcanic origins are also evident

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John Gregory, ACTA's President, has had a very active involvement in the
development of the pathway and here he is invited by Richard Barter,
chairperson of the Mt Roskill Community Board,  to be the first cyclist to pass
after the tape had been cut.
Onlookers include The Hon. Phil Goff, Leader of the Labour Party and MP for Mt Roskill; John's wife Briar;
Deputy Mayor David Hay; Councillor Ken Baguley; and Ngarimu Blair, Ngati Whatua Spokesman.

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Ngarimu has pointed out other volcanic features to the attentive crowd.

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Approaching the end of the path Ngarimu speaks of the flora of Puketapapa.

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A final address at the western end of the path where everyone has
taken heed of the sign.

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The ACTA riders carried on to Pt Chevalier for coffee and then took a
rather devious route in to town before settling down to lunch
at Party Central.  The end of Queen's Wharf was an ideal place for lunch.
We did wonder, though, just how many revellers may end up in the tide
when they are partying here.  Will big barriers be erected, blocking the view,
to save them from themselves?  Or will there be safety nets strung below
the level of the wharf?.

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At the Mangere Bridge there was a major challenge getting bikes

up to the road deck.

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Fortunately there were many willing hands
offered by men in safety vests and hard hats.

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The start of the Onehunga Foreshore path.  You will probably have
trouble seeing this when you drive on the motorway.

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A view along the Foreshore Path.

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This is what we came to do : ride over the motorway bridge a couple of days
before it goes in to vehicular use.

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Photos John McK.








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