
3 October, 2010


On every ACTA ride there is a sheet filled out to be used for riders' contact details -
should these be required.


The sheet is then used for statistical purposes.


Sometimes the ride leader may not have the appropriate form and the names are recorded
on an old lunch bag.  Or similar!!


The paper gets mailed to our statistician.


But some Wednesday leaders are innovative, and save postage : some simply email a list of riders.


A couple take a photo of the attendance sheet, and email that.



BUT - for today's ride Keith was REALLY INNOVATIVE.


He sent me a note:


"Please find enclosed the "ride list" for today's ride.  I thought I would make it fun for you.
(I hope you are in the mood.)"


Here is his list of riders:-









camera-oct10 181.jpg (79681 bytes)

(How many can you name before looking any further?)


He said, "The photo of the bikes might be enough.  If it isn't, try Clue 1."







Here's Clue 1











camera-oct10 182.jpg (57205 bytes)





He then said, "If you are still getting over "Gentle Annie" try Clue 2.
We had a great ride on a beautiful day."





Here is Clue 2










camera-oct10 183.jpg (61757 bytes)

Thanks Keith for keeping it interesting.

PS  -  I got 5 right from image #1.



The time in Auckland, New Zealand is


Perhaps it's time you got back to work -
but only if you have finished looking at ACTA's web pages.






Photos : Keith

Photo Index Page


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