Karangahake to Anzac Bay

12 December, 2010


A lovely day, but very hot and humid at the end, to ride from Karangahake to Anzac Bay.





Setting off from the Karangahake car park.

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Photo: Mack









Around the zig-zag and carefully over the water pipe.

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Photo: Lyn








The bridge we did NOT use.  Cyclists are not encouraged to use this path : it is very
narrow in places with drops straight in to the river!!

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Photo: Lyn









In to the 1 km long Karangahake Tunnel.

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Photo: Lyn










Time to re-group after getting through the 1km long tunnel.

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Photo: Nigel










Just waiting to be sure everyone is here before moving on.

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Photo: Lyn










Karangahake Gorge

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Photo: Mack











There's a lone light left in the tunnel..

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Photo: Nigel











Ready to move on along the Karangahake Rail Trail towards Waikino.

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Photo: Nigel










On the trail.

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Photo: Mack









The ramp on to the bridge at the Waikino end of the trail.

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Photo: Mack









Warwick and his followers crossing the Waikino Bridge.

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Photo: Mack









And looking towards Waikino.

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Photo: Lyn









Waikino Railway Station : time for coffee and it is less than 8km from the start.
Brownie points for the leader.

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Photo: Lyn









The Goldfields Express gets right away for its departure from Waikino.

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Photo: Nigel









Trundling up the hill towards Waihi.

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Photo: Nigel








Watch the video to see Nigel speeding past the train so he can get his photo.










We stopped at the Martha Mine to examine the diggings.

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Photo: Lyn








A big hole by NZ standards : small by world ones.

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Photo: Lyn










The old pump house.

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Photo: Lyn




There is history of the pump house, and its move to its present site,  here







Just before getting to the lunch stop at Anzac Bay, Mack and Ed decided to have a look at the ocean beach.

This is what they saw.

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Photo: Mack










Mayor Island, about 30km offshore.

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Photo: Mack









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Photo: Mack









Neale enjoys the cool waters of Anzac Bay.

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Photo: Lyn









Returning to Karangahake.
After climbing out of the Athenree Gorge in very hot conditions, riding the trail was very pleasant.

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Photo: Nigel








Lyn and Neale leave the tunnel.

And not only is there light at the end of the tunnel, there is light on the roof as well!

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Photo: Mack









As we crossed the suspension bridge to the car park, Nigel caught this family and their dog cooling off in the Ohinemuri River.

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Photo: Nigel







The time in Auckland, New Zealand is







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