Omarama Saddle &
Thomson Gorge Road

February, 2011







The Omarama Saddle is situated between the Hawkdun Range and the
St Bathans Range, in Otago.  The track across here gives a pretty direct
route between Omarama and St Bathans.

The Thomson Gorge Road is in the Dunstan Mountains between
Omakau and Tarras.

Before ACTA's 2011 South Island Tour started Margaret and Donald decided
to explore this area.


These are a few of the photos Margaret took along the way.






The last 2km of Broken Hut Road heading to the Hawkdun Range, after passing Berwen Station.

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At the end of Broken Hut Road, heading on to farm tracks up the Omarama Stream valley.
This is Oteake Conservation land.

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Looking back down to the Omarama Stream valley.

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Sitting in the clouds at the Omarama Saddle.

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On the Omarama Saddle looking towards Top Hut in the Manuherikia River West Branch.

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Here is one of the many fords on the Manuherikia River West Branch.

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Thomson Gorge Road



Looking down to the eastern end of the road and over the Manuherikia Valley towars Lauder.

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The road skirting the Thomson Gorge.

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The western end of the gorge.

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Locals wondering who the intruders are.

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An historic cottage along the way.

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Starting the descent toward the Bendigo Terrace and Tarras.

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The Upper Clutha Valley coming in to view.

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For more info about the gorge road click here





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