Waiwera - Puhoi - Waitoki -
Tahekeroa - Waiwera

14 August, 2011



No photos on this ride before our lunch stop : we were working too hard in to the strong head
wind!!    We rode from Waiwera to Puhoi, up Krippner Road and then headed to Waitoki for
a rather late morning coffee.

After that we retraced our steps - or pedals - to Wainui so we could head up Haruru Road.



This took us over to a spot between Makarau and Tahekeroa, where we stopped for
our roadside lunch.

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STOP!!! ..... or one of the three of four daily trains might take you out!!.

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The railway crosses Haruru Road..

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A nice, gentle, downhill on Upper Waiwera Road.

Pat and Glen.

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Closely followed by Susan, Ron, Colin, Bryan and Maurice.

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Maurice and Keith.

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Helen, our leader (even though she is almost at the back of the ride); No-Hands Tony; and
Margaret, our tail ender for that part of the ride..

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The wet road glistens in the afternoon sunshine as we have our last snack 8.7km from Waiwera.

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Photos : John McK

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