Journey's End

9 October, 2011



Helen just about got herself fired from being our Leader today when she told us at the start
of the ride that there was going to be
NO café stop.


However, we kept her on because no one else knew where we were going.



These next few shots are near Port Albert.
Di concentrates on where she's going while Helen takes in the scenery.
(Possibly looking for somewhere suitable to stop for our café alternative.)

Di_and_Helen.JPG (280316 bytes)

Photo : Tony







The main bunch : Roel, JB, Pat, Warwick (obsc), Susan, Ron and David.

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Photo : Tony









Warwick and Susan (travelling light as usual).

Warwick_and_Susan-1.JPG (110567 bytes)

Photo : Tony











The tail end Charlies - Ron, David and John.

The_tail-end-1.JPG (129874 bytes)

Photo : Tony










Wal and Dog.

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Photo : John McK











Taking in the view at Burma Road.

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Photo : John McK







Kaipara Head - at the entrance to Kaipara Harbour - in the distance.

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Photo : John McK







John and Di on the gravel.

Burma_Road_intersection.JPG (333424 bytes)

Photo : Tony










One of the baches at Journeys End.

Journey's_end_1.JPG (392277 bytes)

Photo : Tony










Low tide.   Dargaville is way up in the distance - over the horizon.

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Photo : John McK







Look Ma!!  No hands!!

(Maybe it should be titled "Pride goeth before a fall!!")

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Photo : John McK








Where you go once you have reached Journeys End.

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Photo : Tony



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