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Saturday Coffee Ride
18 February, 2012


Gaye and Stu could not take the ride today, so they handed over the
leadership to Maurice.




We first had a look at Auckland's youngest and smallest volcano.

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Pre ride briefing.  Stu has everyone's undivided attention, while he tells them
he's not riding.

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Over the shoulder, back-facing camera shot : version 001

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Over the shoulder, back-facing camera shot : version 002.
Better aim with remote guidance from Di.

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Blurry shot under the magnificent trees in Hugo Johnston Drive.

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There was a little oopsie when Nigel's chain suddenly stopped it's rotational movement,
causing his bike to cease any form of forward progress.
Unfortunately, this caused gravity to take over with Nigel rapidly heading directly towards
Seville, Spain.

It did not take long to sort things out.

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Power House and Power Cyclists.  version 001.

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Power House and Power Cyclists.  version 002.

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Power House and Power Cyclists.  version 003.

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Photos : John



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