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Progressive Breakfast

27 May, 2012




3 riders puffing their way to the top of One Tree Hill.  Marion's smiling - she can see the top.

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Photo : Di



Map of today's ride






We were greeted by the sun trying to break through the clouds.

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Photo : John









Gathering under the Obelisk.

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Photo : Di

PS  - the scooter is not ours.








Signing the all-important ride sheet.

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Photo : Di

PS - That's not the Vicar of Dibley, but Colin looking very smart in his dressing gown, keeping warm.











Enjoying the beverages painstakingly brought to the Summit by Ron and Susan.

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Photo : Di








Ride sheet signing continues - as does beverage dispensing.

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Photo : Di









Kevan had been waiting right at the Summit, and had not realised we were all below. 
He now joins us with his lovely new Thorn.

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Photo : John









Just about ready to depart for brioche at JG's.

We had a record number for an ACTA ride.

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Photo : John










Heading down.

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Photo : Di








The best laid plans went wrong by the time we reached our second intersection.

When the error of their ways was realised it was necessary to come back from Manukau Road -
at least until we got ourselves sorted out and became one group again, going in the same direction.

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Photo : Di









Brioche - from Master Chef John G - awaits us.

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Photo : Di








Part of the queue.

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Photo : John







Di captures the assault on the unsuspecting brioche.

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Photo : John








Bye bye brioche.

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Photo : Di











Briar was slaving away in the kitchen making gallons (litres doesn't sound quite right) of coffee,
but we prised her away for a moment.

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Photo : John









Video : Di







John accompanies us up his driveway.

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Photo : John









Ready to leave for the next course way out in Point England.

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Photo : Di




Thank you Briar and John for your hospitality.





Leaving the boardwalk across Orakei Basin, at Meadowbank.

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Photo : John







The view in the other direction.

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Photo : Di







Arriving in Riverside Avenue.

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Photo : Di







Some enjoyed their porridge or muesli out on the deck.

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Photo : Di













Making ready to depart for yet another course.

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Photo : Di









But before we got away John had to say a few words of thanks to Susan & Ron for their hospitality
and for organising this year's record breaking Progressive Breakfast.

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Photo : Di








The coffees are being drunk and the food is starting to arrive at the Lucky Café.

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Photo : Di










Di gets another shot.

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Photo : John









A bungle of bicycles.

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Photo : John








Empty plates!  A good sign!!
he food has gone, and Kevan is set to impress the world.

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Photo : John




And then it was time to head away - yet another great ACTA Progressive Breakfast becomes history.




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