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Waikato Bridges

3 June, 2012




Ed points out something interesting to Leader Ron outside this little Church near Ramarama,
not long after the ride started.

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Map of today's ride






Arriving for coffee at the Tuakau Hotel.

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Ed showing off his chic cycling hat to JB.

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Looks like Tuakau is deserted, except for some cyclists.

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Waiting.  The Hotel Staff had forgotten - or someting - that ACTA was going to be in town
and would need re-fuelling.   Fortunately they found some delicious chocolate cake and coffee.

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On the Road again.  Approaching the Tuakau Bridge.

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Waiting for the tail enders at the top of that lovely hill a few km south of the bridge.

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The tail enders arrive.

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Just about ready to get going again.

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Rolling down the hill towards Mercer  -   and lunch.

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Lunch stop at Mercer, with the second bridge in the background.

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Roel looks pretty happy.  Probably he is really ready for his sandwich.

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Di must have given Roel the camera for this one.

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A royal wave from The Leader.

Very fitting as it was Queen's Birthday Weekend AND the occasion of H M's 60th Jubilee.

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At the top of that steep little hill on Koheroa Road just east of Mercer.

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JB and David must be the scratch riders, the others have more favourable handicaps.

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Photos : Di








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