Wednesday Ride to Attwood's Farm

09 January, 2013


Ray decided to give us a treat and take us over Attwood's Farm, as this has been a popular
Wednesday ride in the past.






I think we all forgot about the first hill.

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JB attacks the hill in his usual style.

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Many of us had an entirely different style.

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The view from the top was rewarding, even though it was somewhat hazy.

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We are happy enough now - that climb is over.

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The hazy view looking - roughly - back towards Kumeu.

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Soon we had this short, sharp beastie to contend with.

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Then we were away across the paddocks.

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The local steers did not seem to be too worried about us.  And most of us were not too worried about them.
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More paddock work.

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We were heading to the bush - and the very steep climb through it to Muriwai Valley Road.

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The loneliness of the long-distance cyclist.

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Brian and Rachel got off to have a more leisurely view of the lovely stand of nikau.

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A closer look at the nikau.

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And here's the nice touch!!

We finished up at Brian and Rachel's home for lunch, and Ray had arranged for the
local Coffee Guy to come along and get us caffeinated.

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The Coffee Guy (or, in this case, Guyess) had some very happy customers.

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Photos : John




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