Inner Harbour Loop

3 February, 2013


Susan took us for a nice ride from the Domain, down to the waterfront, through Wynyard Quarter and Westhaven and
then Herne Bay and to Point Chevalier for our coffee stop.


Alison and Bill sign the attendance sheet, and then we are on our way.

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Coffee at the Corner Cafe on Point Chev Road.

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From Pt Chev we went across the NW Motorway and had our first crossing of the very recently opened
Westgate Bridge.  What a classy structure this is  - the designers have excelled.

The approach from the western side.  Or is it the southern side?

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Stopped on the top for an examination.

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The eastern - or northern - approach follows a big, sweeping S curve, high above the bush.

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Lunch at Hobsonville's Marina View School. No one wanted to play chess.

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Susan needed to get us to the Birkenhead Wharf to catch the 2:35 ferry.  Her timing was great.
Having allowed for a puncture - which did not happen - we had about 30 minutes to chat
and discuss bikes while we waited.


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The Wharf building is very good.  We need one like it at Half Moon Bay.

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We are being watched!!

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Northcote Point, the Harbour Bridge, Downtown, the Sky Tower  -  and some piles.

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We took over the stern of the ferry.
Fullers' crew were very good : the ferry was running a bit late, but there was no rushing us as we were
getting our bikes on board.  Caroll and John needed to catch the 3 o'clock Half Moon Bay ferry and
the Skipper radioed ahead and the connection was made.

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Bye bye Birkenhead.

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Under the Harbour Bridge.

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And there was a bungy jumper putting on a display for us.

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Wonder if the 40 metre plunge - and the Bridge Walk - were worth $150??

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Photos : John




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