Lost in the Waikaretu

24 March, 2013





Steve's ride started out on a nicely sealed road.

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However, it did not take him long to find gravel.

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Very nice countryside to get lost in.

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There is always a mystery about what is just over the brow of the hill -
lucky it wasn't a Kenworth.

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Happy Annie.

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Susan charging towards the photographer.

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Wonder where we are?  Looks like Keith might be phoning for guidance.

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This chimney is popular with photographers.

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This shot was taken on 17 July, 2011.

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Lovely cycling country.

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Not too far now before the sea views.

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But, before the views, it's tucker time.

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Then Roel decided it was time to display his puncture repairing technique,
ably assisted by JB.

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Margaret and limestone rocks.

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It's sea view time!

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See!   Sea.
Tasman, in fact.

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Steve's happy : he has not lost any riders.

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Roel's happy : he's getting his picture taken again.

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And now everyone's happy : they have found the cafe at the Nikau Cave.

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And, all too soon, they have to leave and head back to see if they can find the cars.

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Photos : Di  (except one old one from John)




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