End of Year Lunch 15 December, 2013
Happy Munchers. The first course has gone.
Tony starts his End of Year speech.
Tony thanked the ride leaders, and got them to stand up for acknowledgement.
Here's Kevan, Bryan, Warwick and Maurice.
I think Di, Luitgard and Roel could have been standing too.
And here's Ron J, Tony, Stu, and Margaret. And I'm sure David and Glen could have been standing too.
And there were others that did not get their photos taken cos I was too slow.
David got the Trialist Cup this year for his skills as a Slow Rider.
Tony presents Di with the Best All Rounder cup for being the Best All Rounder this year.
JB gets the Captain's Cup for getting out riding on
more Sundays than anyone else.
He must have small lawns.
Annette and Steve were awarded the Tourist Trophy for
their tour this year through Greece, Albania, Macedonia,
Montenegro, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Austria.
I may well have missed some.
And Tony probably should have had a share in it too as his trip was very similar.
Bryan received the Rough Stuff cup in recognition of
being a bit rough on his leg in the UK -
and managing to break it.
He must have said something funny - Chris (who was Tony's assistant today) and Tony are
certainly amused.
And the last cup went to Ron. This was the Hill
Climb Trophy which he got
for his prowess at scarpering up a small hill.
Then several little prezzies were handed out.
June got hers for being on more Saturday rides than anyone else.
Kevan's gift was in recognition of having coffee on
one of his Saturday rides only 900 metres
from the end of the ride.
And John's was similar - one of his Saturday rides had the coffee stop only 1.8km from the start.
This year's cup people. The only one missing was
Bill P who was awarded the Junior Cup.
This is for a rider who is new to the Club who does more rides than any other newbie.
Here's Bill on yesterday's ride.
Photos : John (except the one when Kevan pushed the button, and Ann's one from yesterday).
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