Omapere to Ahipara

8 November, 2011





Heading towards the Rawene Turnoff.

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Photo : Margaret








Lesley enjoying the early morning ride to the Rawene ferry.

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Photo : Tony









The cloud touched hills near Whirinaki.

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Photo : Tony









A café bike magnet.

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Photo : Margaret









Morning tea (or, more likely, coffee) at the Boatshed.

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Photo : Margaret










Goliath and a number of Davids boarding the ferry at Rawene.

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Photo : Margaret












Looks like JB is in good hands.

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Photo : Margaret












Riding away from the ferry on the northern side of the harbour.

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Photo : Margaret














Morning tea number 2, this time at Kohukohu.  Probably was mainly tea this time.

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Photo : Margaret











Leaving Kohukohu.

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Photo : Arnold









Charolais Jam.

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Photo : Kitt










Three views of lunch at Broadwood.

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Photo : Margaret








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Photo : Kit






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Photo :Kit









There was a challenging hill not long after leaving Broadwood, followed by this lovely downhill reward.

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Photo : Tony








Six studies of DownHill Styles.

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Ray                                                                 Judy                                                                   David W




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Pat                                                                 Sloop                                                                   David R

Photos : Tony









Now that's a REAL chainsaw.
Looks like the bike might be past its prime.

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Photo : Margaret












North of Herekino on the last stretch of today's ride to Ahipara.

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Photo : Margaret











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