Cable Bay Rest Day
(Yeah, Right!!)

10 November, 2011



Oliver asking, "More?"

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Photo : Tony










Rambo getting ready for a day's rest.

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Photo : Tony







Several of the more energetic riders took up Sloop's offer of a tour into the
Cable Bay hinterland, which included a visit to this little waterfall and swimming hole.


Not sure what Sloop's up to in this shot.

014_Sloop_cooling_off_at_the_Peria_river.jpg (114570 bytes)

Photo :  Kit










Looks like David R is about to jump, Kit is trying to drown himself,
and Sloop is pondering the activities of his mates.

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Photo : Margaret












Judy has just cooled off.

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Photo : Margaret












Looks like Margaret has too!

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Photo : Margaret (but someone else pushed the button)









Back country hut at Fern Flat.

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Photo :  Kit










Late afternoon in downtown Mangonui.

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Photo : Margaret











Judy in B&W.

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Photo : Tony











There's nothing quite like a Shiraz Mataro before dinner.
It's keeping Margaret and Di happy.

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Photo : Tony










Happy Hour before the Cable Bay BBQ.

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Photo : Tony










Two views of this evening's moonrise.

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Photo : Tony









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Photo : Ron O











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