Russell to Whangarei

13 November, 2011



Getting ready to leave Russell Top 10.

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Photo :  Margaret









Descending to Elliot Bay.

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Photo :  Arnold










Looking south from above Elliot Bay.

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Photo :  Margaret










Helena Bay.

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Photo :  Ron O










Lunch on the deck at Sloop's mate's place at Helena Bay.

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Photo : Margaret





That brings yet another great ACTA tour to a close.

Thank you Margaret, Tony, Kit, the Rons, Susan and Arnold for sharing your photos here
and helping keep the memories alive.

Once again, many thanks to Annette for her fantastic organisation of accommodation and food.

And to Sloop for finding some real gems, Ron O for making his van available and everyone else for helping out
with the day to day tasks to make these tours the success that they are.




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