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Out in the Styx

A weekend at Pukeatua

22 & 23 September, 2012




This weekend involved a circuit of Maungatautari on the Saturday and a sampling
of the Waikato River Trails on the Sunday.


Maurice rather liked what he saw in the garden

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Photo: Maurice








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Photo: Maurice






So did Ron who, at one stage, saw 7 tui in this kowhai outside his room.

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Photo: Ron








Breakfast time.

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Photo: Marilyn



The welcoming fireplace at Out in the Styx.

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Photo: Marilyn






This was a favourite dish - there were many photos of it - as it diminished.
Ron's comment, "OTIS eggy bread .... simply delicious breakfast."

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Photo: Marilyn







Is Athol about to say, "Don't take my photo?"

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Photo: Marilyn









Just about ready to leave on the Saturday morning.

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Photo: Maurice (Except that he is in it. Maybe Susan pushed the button.)







Then it was time to stop at the gate for another departure shot.

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Photo: Ron








Ron assured me that some riding actually took place.  This was on the 35 km, mainly
downhill to flat, leg to Leamington.

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Photo: Ron








On the road.

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Photo: Marilyn







Wasn't long until the bikes were abandoned at the coffee stop.

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Photo: Ron








Coffee stop in Leamington.  (I wonder if anybody had one.)

A first for a weekend away - it was supported.  The van was the sag wagon.

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Photo: Ron











Karapiro Dam.

This was dam #1.

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Photo: Maurice









Marilyn - who supplied many of the weekend photos - crossing Karapiro Dam.

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Photo: Ron







She was followed by the rest of the team.

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Photo: Ron







A classic ACTA activity : eating.
Lunchtime at Lake Karapiro.

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Photo: Ron




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Photo: Marilyn







Heading back towards Arapuni and the climb back up to Pukeatua.

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Photo: Ron







Then it was time to rest up before DINNER.

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Photo: Maurice








The Menu at Out in the Styx.
(I understand that everyone Took It!)

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Photo: Maurice









Dinner comprised:-
Cream of carrot & ginger soup.
Lamb shank pie, morroccan tangine, salads, chilly pumpkin, mixed breads.
Desert homemade passionfruit icecream, lemon cake.
Cheese, crackers and fruit.

Just like at home.....


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Photo: Marilyn








Athol delivering his "After Dinner" speech.

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Photo: Marilyn









On the Sunday it was time to experience part of the Waikato River Trail.




The trail sign at Little Waipa Reserve - probably a better place to start riding the trail
from the northern end.

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Photo: Ron








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Photo: Maurice









River Trail.

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Photo: Marilyn







The path down to the Arapuni Suspension Bridge.

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Photo: Ron








Arapuni Suspension Bridge.

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Photo: Maurice






Looking downstream from the Arapuni Suspension Bridge

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Photo: Maurice







Arapuni Power Station seen from the Suspension Bridge.

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Photo: Maurice








Some walked it.

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Photo: Ron







But it does not say, "No Riding!"  So David rode it.

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Photo: Ron










Arapuni Dam.

Dam #2

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Photo: Ron







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Photo: Maurice








Time for coffee at the Rhubarb Café. (The bikes are probably hidden around the back.)

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Photo: Maurice







It was either late morning tea - or early lunch.

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Photo: Marilyn








Considering what happens next.

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Photo: Maurice




Most of the group went home at this stage.

Ron says, "After enjoying more fine food, fine weather and some fine country roads, tracks and great views....  I think all were pleased with their weekend."





However, 5 decided to ride the second section of the Trail from Arapuni to Waipapa.

This took them past Jones' Landing.

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Photo: Ron





They had a late lunch at Jim Barnett's Reserve where there was a great stand of bush
with native pigeons and......

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Photo: Ron








.......  Lamb's Loo!!  It was complete with running water, soap and loo paper!!
Not many riders use this part of the trail.

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Photo: Ron






The end of South Waotu Road, and the climb up to the high point of this section.

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Photo: Ron







Great views from the top of the hill......

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Photo: Ron






.... or from the bottom looking back up after zig - zagging  -   many times.

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Photo: Ron






On the track.

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Photo: Ron







David shortly after meeting a treee in front of his bike!!??

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Photo: Ron







Are we there yet??    How much further?

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Photo: Ron








Steps near the end.
These - and the zig-zag at the northern end - made everyone pleased they were heading south.

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Photo: Ron






Beth descending  .......  carefully.

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Photo: Ron





The End.

Waipapa Dam.

Dam #3.

You could say this had been a Dam Ride.

The riders were VERY happy to find Susan and Annette (with vehicles) waiting for them here.
It was 4:30 and this had been a very challenging leg.

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Photo: Ron







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