Winter Solstice Tour

20 June to 22 June, 2014

Page Three - Sunday




A very important sign if you have been drinking cofffee.
However, this was getting ready to set off from Hikurangi.

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Meanwhile, Ron had a look at the lower bridge in the morning light.
He and Susan did not do today's ride, which is why there is no map.

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A stop at the Whakamaumahara Marae with a whale jawbone centre piece.

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It did not take long for some tangata whenua to join in.

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The long, long footbridge joining Whananaki North and Whananaki South.

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Lyn eventually decided that it was a bit muddy for swimming, and took to the bridge.

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Judy has also taken to the mud.

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Some cyclists met at The Shop, Whananaki North recommended the WCW.
This was a detour, thanks Garth, it was a hike at times but the views were worth it.

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Another Garth orchestrated shot, near the start of the walkway.

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Up, over, and through one of the walkway gates.

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Another obstacle to be negotiated.

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Other cyclists join the group on the walkway.

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Moving on.

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You will have to ask Athol how a duck ended up on his bike
- it's a quacker of a tale....

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Lunch stops don't come much better than this.
Looking out to Whale Bay in the distance.

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Late in the afternoon, back at Hikurangi.  Louise is already ordering a mussel fritter and a coffee,
while everyone else had a scone and jam and cream with their coffee.

A nice way to end three great days cycling - and well earned.

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Thanks to Louise & Andrew, Lyn & Neale, Margaret, and Ron for sharing their photos with us,
and to Garth for organising yet another great Winter Solstice ride.




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