Auckland Cycle Touring Association

On Sunday 21 August we had our annual Progressive Breakfast ride.


This started with bubbly at the top of One Tree Hill at 0800.

Top o 1 Tree Hill web.jpg (53228 bytes)


We then moved on to Epsom for brioche and coffee at John and Briar's home.

(There was considerably more eating action going on behind the intrepid photographer
but the blankety blank photo he took did not come out very well.)

Brioche 2 web.jpg (56154 bytes)


Then we cycled over to Mt Roskill for yummy porridge.  No shots of this being eaten, but afterwards
the tourist in us came out and some started devouring Bryan's maps of his recent trip to Germany.

Touring study copy web.JPG (105146 bytes)


Others, who could not get hold of a map, etc etc, were content to reminisce about their own trips.

Studious after porridge web.jpg (71623 bytes)


From here we went down to Onehunga, across the Manukau Harbour on the old bridge
and back over the high one and then up through Cornwall Park.  Here we have a massed
climb up Grand Drive, heading to our final eatingplace at Alexandra Park.

ACTA in Grand Drive web.jpg (90708 bytes)


After our last course we finished off by going down to the Waterfront around
to St Heliers and then back to Cornwall Park where most (who used them )
had left their cars.

But the camera man had gone awol.