Auckland Cycle Touring Association

Rangiriri to Bush Tramway Club.

Looks like our week long resident high pressure is about to desert us.
Today, 4 September, was cloudy for most of our ride but we had gentle, or no, wind.


This is just before we left Rangiriri to head over the river and down to Huntly.

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Here we are on the first reasonable climb after leaving Huntly,
heading for the Bush Tramway Club at Pukemiro.

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At Pukemiro, we were suddenly cast back in time.

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At Pukemiro, the group split up.  4 were going to take the short option and head straight back to Rangiriri,
2 decided to move on straight after coffee and do an extra long ride via Ngaruawahia and round Lake Waikare,
and the remaining 4 went to Ngaruawahia for lunch and then back to Rangiriri.

Here some of the last group are returning to Pukemiro on their jigger ride.

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Others went for a train ride - but not on this one.

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Climbing the last hill between Glen Afton and Glen Massey.

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Lunch at Ngaruawahia.


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On the last leg heading to Rangiriri.
As you can see, by now the sun had come out.


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It was a slow trip home.  The journey from Te Kauwhata to Meremere took about 45 minutes!!!!!!!


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With the price of petrol seeming to be about to rocket even further, queues like this may decrease.