East Cape, 2009

Awakeri - Hawai

31 October, 2009

This year's line up of happy tourists ready to depart Awakeri Hot Springs.

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Neale     Lyn    Maurice    Margaret     Gaye    Pat    Lesley     Pete    JB    David      Don   Mack    Mike     Annie     Nigel    Keith    John G    Ed

Photo:  John G, John McK (and PhotoShop)







We found a nice bike path alongside the Whakatane River while we were
on our search for coffee.

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Photo: Margaret








And we found a lovely coffee shop in downtown Whakatane.
Nigel had some urgent repairs to attend to, ably assisted by JB.

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This will be the last time we see this density of traffic for a whole week.   Yippee!!.

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Photo: Margaret








Riding along the road bordering the Ohiwa Harbour.

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Photo: Margaret









Kutarere Church

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Photo: Margaret














Like bees around the honey pot.
We ate very well at lunchtime, but everyone still charged in like there
would be no tomorrow.
Taking a whole heap of thermoses (thermi ?) saved a lot of time
getting your cuppa.

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The Pathway to the Sunrise

Carvings by Heke Collier were unveiled by Dame Catherine Tizard in 1991.

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Reading about the carvings.
A time capsule was buried under the plaque in 1991.
It does not give a suggested opening date.

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Photo: Ed












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Photo: John G









Torere School

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Photo: John G










Bike park underneath the Hawai Backpackers.

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Our home for the first night on tour.

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It's hard to beat a beer on the deck in the afternoon sun at Hawai.

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Photo: John G











The sign is rather tired, and that's how some of us felt the following morning
after riding up the first hill of the day, starting only 200m from camp!!!.

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Sunset at Hawai Bay.

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Photos: John McK, except those that aren't.




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