East Cape, 2009

Oruaiti Beach - Te Araroa

2 November, 2009

Breakfast time at Oruaiti.  It's about 6:45 a.m.

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Leaving Oruaiti Beach on the first climb of the day.

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The East Coast uses many names that are also used elsewhere in NZ.

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Photo: Margaret









JB at the turn off to Lottin Point.

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Photo: Margaret









Morning tea at Lottin Point Road.
Question of the Day: Do we detour out to the coast, or not?

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Photo: Margaret










In the end, Margaret was the only one willing to take on a couple of extra hills and some gravel.
She was rewarded with this view of Lottin Point.

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Photo: Margaret









And with this lovely bit of gravel road.

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Photo: Margaret










The store at Hicks Bay did a roaring trade in ice creams when we arrived there.

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The old wharf at Hicks Bay.  It was used largely to service a local freezing works.
East Cape is just out of sight behind Horoera Point in the distance.

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There's a steep little climb over Haupara Point which separates Hicks Bay
from Te Araroa.  This is looking back towards the wharf.

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Te Araroa is nestled under the cliffs at the far end of this sweeping beach.
Our camp was right at the near end of the beach, below the bush.

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Another view of Te Araroa's 5km long beach.

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Photo: Margaret









Home for 2 nights - Te Araroa Holiday Park.
Lovely grounds set in bush surroundings.

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We had dinner 2 nights in a row at the Kai Kart Café in Te Araroa.

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Libby (on your right) and her family sure new how to feed hungry cyclists.

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Photo: Maurice









JB couldn't pay and ended up washing the dishes.

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Photo: Maurice


(Only kidding - actually JB went to the kitchen to chat up the ladies.)










Photos: John McK, except those that aren't.




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