East Cape, 2009

Tokomaru Bay to Gisborne

5 November, 2009





Van packing at Tokomaru Bay.

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Photo: John McK











On the road again......

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Photo: Maurice












Logging trucks were a constant threat between Te Araroa and Gisborne.
However, most drivers were quite considerate.

These two are heading north after dropping their logs at the
wharf at Gisborne.

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The Tolaga Bay Inn.
This bunch are about to make a break for the Tolaga Bay Wharf.

But alert viewers will have seen the yellow sun shade and the café sign.
Margaret saw it and stayed there for a coffee.

Let's face it, it had been the first café in a while.

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Morning tea at Tolaga Bay Wharf.

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Photo: John McK











The wharf is currently being repaired, so we could not get right out to the end.

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Photo: John McK











The long and not winding road.

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King Donald holds court with his subjects during our lunch stop.

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Photo: Maurice











The road rejoins the coast about 25km north of Gisborne.

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Tatapouri Point : about 15 km to go to camp.

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Photos: Margaret L, except those that aren't.




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