East Cape, 2009

Opotiki to Awakeri Hot Springs

9 November, 2009





The last day of the tour.  Only 60 odd k to go.

At the Opotiki Camp our bikes were safely locked away in a shed overnight.
Only problem was, in the morning, we were ready to leave before they had been let out.

So you just had to sit........and wait.

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Photo: John








Crossing the rather narrow bridge over the Waioeka River on the outskirts of Opotiki.

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Cyclists' paradise : 7 Day Food!

Only trouble was : it was closed.  But we had learned well how to feed ourselves.

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Photo: John








Happiness was indulging in the cake that had been in here.

Thank you to the cooks who brought goodies to share.

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Photo: John









Our last bit of bush scenery, in the Waimana Gorge.

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Our last logging trucks, in Taneatua.

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The combined rail / road bridge at Peketahi.
It saw its last train many years ago.

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And, finally back at Awakeri Hot Springs, our vehicles were
pleased to see us.  Having spent 10 days parked under a tree
they needed considerable tlc.

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Photo: John





We had lunch when we got back to Awakeri.

So ended 10 abfab days of cycling where the only rain fell
during the night, we had no punctures, and no major mishaps.

We ate well, had great company, and started thinking about
where to go next year.  Sounds like re-visiting Taranaki may be on.

Before leaving the hot springs 10 tourists found time for a leisurely
soak in the hot pool.    Ahhhh.....the relaxation.










Photos:Margaret L,  unless they were taken by John McK.




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