It's Not About the Bike
(with apologies to Lance)
East Cape, 2009
Cycle touring involves many activities other than cycling.
Here are some examples:-
Some like to try skimming stones.
Photo: Ed
Some build Halloween Monsters.
This work of art was created by Nigel.
Some go for a romantic walk along the beach - until the papparazzi see them.
Some take photos of the sunset.
This one thought he was related to Tarzan.
Photo: John G
This one couldn't help himself wowing the ladies
at the Kai Kart Kafé.
Photo: Margaret
I always wanted to be a pole-dancer!!.
Signs of a miss-spent youth.
Some went out and got tatts.
Only kidding!!
This was one of the locals working on the wharf at Tolaga Bay .
When asked if he would mind having his arm photgraphed he said,
"Hang on! You can have the whole body!!" and promptly yanked his shirt off.
Some got a cuppa in bed.
And this one became very popular with his cordon bleu pancackes.
Photo: John G
Some improved their cycling knowledge by reading Cycling +.
And there was always laundry waiting to be done.
However, when there is not enough room on the clothesline,
you have to make your own arrangements.
And, if all else fails, there is always the evening meal to look forward to.
Photos: John McK, except those that aren't.
Some unquotable quotes which may, or may not, have been uttered by those to whom they are attributed. JB: Give us a kiss then.
Lesley: You are disgusting!
Margaret: I want to see the end of the road.
Tail End Charlie: Are we there yet?
David: Has anyone seen a lone lady cyclist heading our way?
Ed! Ed!! Ed!!! ...... No response.
Lyn: Anyone for more dinner?
Mike: Where is the washing line?
Neale: I did not have sex with that woman!
Gaye: Too much information!
JB: It's a load of friggin rubbish!
Nigel: I think JB gets a lot of bad press.
Mack: I don't want to be leader anymore.
Annie: Motu's great!!
Pete: I'm not riding on any gravel !!!!
Lesley: I haven't done any driving.
Everyone: Is there any more Anathoth pickle?
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