Wednesday Ride

Overland to Muriwai Valley


20 January, 2010

The ride started at the Bakehouse, Kumeu  - which is not unusual.


In fact, it is very normal!!





after taking some of the usual roads the riders found themselves going up
the no-exit Pioneer Lane and then cross country in search of an airstrip.

This shows, roughly, where they got to.

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To Here............................................................2.5km............................................................From Here
as the crow flies, not as the bi cycles.

Photo: Google Maps













Don must be near the top - he's smiling!!  This is looking back towards Pioneer Lane.

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Rachel and June look so fresh and happy because they walked up the hill.

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Photographer's comment - "Isn't it nice?"

Webmaster's comment - "It looks b....dy marvellous!!"

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Wednesday rides are growing in popularity.
This one had 17 riders.

(For those counting that's the 16 you see, plus the photographer.)


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Must be steep!!  Even JB walked up this track through the bush.

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Lunch at Rachel and Brian's before heading back to Kumeu.

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Photos: John G





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