Wairarapa, 2010
Silverstream to Lake Ferry17 February, 2010
This was one of the highlight days of our tour - the day we rode
The Rimutaka Incline.
The first two obstacles were the gates.
But we went under.....
..... and over. No worries.
Then we had our first, and easiest, tunnel - the Pakuratahi.
At the far end of this tunnel there is a ventilation shaft from the
Rimutaka Rail Tunnel that we had travelled through yesterday.
We crossed old wooden truss bridges....
...... and rode through lovely railway cuttings.
And, before we knew it, we had reached Summit Station.
The info posters have been seriously upgraded since my last visit here in 2004.
We have now safely negotiated the Summit Tunnel, the longest on the trail at 576 metres.
It's all downhill from here.
View across the Siberia Gully, with Price's Tunnel in the centre.
Photographer at work
Photo: Graham
Getting over the Siberia Washout was an interesting exercise.
We thought we may have had to unload the bikes to get through here, but careful walking was
all that was required, plus a bit of a push from the rear going up the other side.
Here's a short clip to give you a feel of the place.
Actually, the hardest part was leaving via the Eastern Access Track.
It was very steep in parts, requiring a push from the rear.
And very narrow, with some nasty drops off the left hand side.
Once out on the road again, David thought it would all be plain sailing
until a loud BANG gave him a sinking feeling.His tube had decided, very noisily, to part company with the valve.
There was a dedicated group of gamblers who regularly played 500
or Diminishing Whist.
Photos: John McK (unless it wasn't)
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