Wairarapa, 2010

Masterton to Castlepoint


21 February, 2010


Early morning starts meant we had some great lighting on the countryside.

The next three shots are about 15km east of Masterton.

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The pub at Tinui was closed and Wairarapa Hospitality surfaced again.
We were invited in to Kathy and Ron's home where we were served delicious banana muffins and tea.
Much better than a coffee shop and far, far better than we could do ourselves.

Here are Ron and Kathy with their daughter Maria and grand daughter Felicity.
Thank you for making our visit to Tinui a memorable one.

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We reached Castlepoint early in the afternoon and this gave us plenty of time to explore.

The following shots were all around the Castlepoint headland.

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View to the south.

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A powerful light behind the light.

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Looking north.

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The couple fishing had a lucky catch - the young lady thought she had snagged her
line but ended up reeling in a crayfish!!

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Photos: John McK (unless they were not)




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