Wairarapa, 2010

Castlepoint to Eketahuna


22 February, 2010


This was a glorious start to a hard day's cycling.

We stayed at the Castlepoint Holiday Park, which had some units right on the beach.


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Looks like a spartan breakfast for some.

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The Tinui Craft Corner.

If you are ever passing through here the museum is well worth a visit.

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Graham had the misfortune of getting a puncture.

We all thought the surgical gloves were a nice touch.  :-))

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The puncture happened very near the end of the seal.  We then had about 25km of not
very nice gravel road.  It seemed to be constantly going uphill, the wheel tracks were not well
defined, there was lots of thick gravel on some of the bends and the head wind made it
difficult, if not impossible, to get round some bends.
At least 4 came off, but with no serious damage.

We seemed to lose interest in taking photos along this stretch.






But we forgot all those trials when we were at dinner at the Eketahuna Club.
We had some members of the Club dining with us including the President.

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  Photo: Joe











Joe and Tina put on an awesome three course meal for us and seconds were no problem.
Annie had told them that 10 hungry cyclists would need feeding and they fed us extremely well.
JB was right in his element - in fact when he first met Joe we thought JB had met his match.

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Photo: Graham



















Photos: John McK (unless they were not)




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