Wairarapa, 2010

Herbertville to Wanstead


25 February, 2010


Breakfast table scrum at Crispin Grove.

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At dinner last night Russell asked if we would like a trip out to Cape Turnagain.  Naturally the answer
was a resounding, "YES  PLEASE."

So, at our usual starting time, 7:30, we loaded ourselves in to the trailer and took off for the beach.
Rosie and Mike joined us.

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Photo: Russell









Trundling along, with Rosie keeping a good lookout.

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Walking over to the seal colony, with Cape Turnagain in the background.

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A pensive JB.

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These seals were more timid than those at Cape Palliser and moved away
as we approached them.

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This is the little harbour that Herbertville fisherman use to launch their boats.  The channel,
marked by stakes, is very narrow at low tide : only about 10' wide.
If there is a sea running much care is needed.

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Beach Ride.









Farewell Crispin Grove.

Thank you so much Jan and Russell for your hospitality and sharing your
beautiful home with us.

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About 5km before Porangahau we came to the
longest place name in the world.

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However, Keith reckoned that the Welsh have the record.











At The Duke of Edinburgh Hotel in Porangahau we found our first coffee in several days.
And the bonus was the pies in the store just over the road.
We were a little alarmed when the ute pulled up and the occupants poured out with
open beer bottles in their hands.

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Beauties and The Beast.

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Ugly Hill Road was not on our route, but JB decided he wanted to see if it lived up to its name.

It did!!














On Purple Pond.

We passed this small lake as we approached Wanstead.

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Four of us could not resist the temptations hidden in the Wanstead Pub.
While we were there, the Tui rep called in.

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Lochlea Farmstay.

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Dinner on the deck.
Ellen and Greg cooked up a yummy barbeque, which included paua fritters, for us.

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Ellen had some potential competition for her dinner.

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Photos: John McK (unless they were not)




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