Waitomo Winter Solstice 2011

24 June, 2011







Friday, the first day on Garth's 2011 Winter Solstice Tour, dawned somewhat foggy.

This was at Haggas Lookout.

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Photo : Athol












The road disappears somewhere off stage right behind Helen.

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Photo : Ron










This sign reckons that, on a fine day, you might see the dramatic volcanic mountains of the Tongariro National
Park in the far distance.

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Photo : Ron










These guys were looking for guidance from the sign in front of them,
but the mountains proved to be a little reclusive.

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Photo : Ron









Next stop was at the rather impressive Mangapohue Natural Bridge.

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Photo : John









Climbing to the top.

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Photo : Ron








DoC's website says,
"Mangapohue Natural Bridge is a highlight on the scenic drive from Waitomo Village to Marokopa.

The 5 minute track to the left is pushchair-friendly and follows a boardwalk through an impressive limestone gorge that
brings you underneath a natural bridge.

The 17 m high limestone arch, which spans the Mangapohue Stream, is all that remains of an ancient cave system. From here the track becomes stepped and passes under the bridge giving a superb view of the ceiling studded with stalactite-like formations and an excellent view back down the gorge. The track continues for about 15 min over farmland.

Follow the marker posts around to the right and up the hill where you can see 25 million year old fossilised oysters exposed in the limestone outcrops. Follow the marker posts until you cross a stile back into the reserve heading back to the car park."


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Photo : Ron










As there was no café Garth, with the assistance of several pack-horses carrying thermi, made sure there was
coffee for our re-fuelling before we left the Natural Bridge.

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Photo : Ron







Next stop : the 35m high Marokopa Falls.

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Photo : Athol










Then it was back a couple of k and in to the depths of the Piripiri Cave.
The black hole seemed to go down a long, long way.

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Photo : John









The way out.

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Photo : John










Dinner at Curly's Bar.  The Farmers Pie was a favourite.

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Photo : Arnold



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Photo : Arnold






Index Page Photo : Ron





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