
17 July, 2011







The weather note that Selwyn made on today's Ride Register said,
"1 hour fog, then stunningly fine!"

You will agree, I am sure.



Getting ready at the bus shelter near the Glen Murray Telecom Tower.

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Photo : Tony











The sun is trying hard to break through.

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Photo : John











Made it!!

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Photo : John
















Susan, Bryan and Ron enjoying the warmth of a little climb.

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Photo : Tony







Wake up, Bryan

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(The knee damage was done the previous day.  During the filming
of this ride there was no harm caused to any cyclist.)


Photo : Tony












Oh, Lonesome Me!!

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Photo : John










The last remnants of the fog.

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Photo : John











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Photo : Selwyn











The fog had lifted, and here we get a lift.

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Photo : John











The reward at the top of the hill.

The farmer is slowly losing pasture with the encroachment of black sand.

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Photo : John











Looking west.

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Photo : John












Turn around, and this is the scene looking east.

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Photo : John













Ron reckoned there was only water in the bottle.  Yeah Right!!

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Photo : John












Another view of Abel's swimming pool  - the blue bit, not the brown bit.

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Photo : John










Last climb on the gravel.
We had spent some time looking out to sea, searching for Taranaki, but there was too much haze on the horizon.

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Photo : Selwyn










Lunch at the Nikau Caves Café.
The coffee, the rhubarb cake, the pies, and whatever else, were delicious.

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Photo : John











The view from the end of the deck.

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Photo : John













Heading home after lunch.

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Photo : John










The sealed road gave us plenty of time to look at the passing scenery.

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Photo : John










John, Susan, ?? and Ron.
We have just passed one of the very few vehicles we saw today.

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Photo : Tony








Ron was our very able Tail End Charlie today.

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Photo : Tony












Late afternoon, approaching our last climb for the day.

We had just been treated to the spectacle of the horses (centre/bottom) stampeding
across the paddock as we went by.

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Photo : John












Limestone outcrop.

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Photo : John












The last climb.

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Photo : Selwyn












Packing up.

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Photo : Selwyn



The questions everyone was asking Selwyn were, "How did you organise the weather?"
and "Can you do it again next time for this great ride?"








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