Auckland Airport & Beyond
26 February, 2012


A puzzling name for our ride today.  While we all know where the Airport is,
Ron was keeping very quiet about the location of Beyond.






Anyway, we started off in Cornwall Park on a gloriously sunny morning.

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First obstacle on the path around the old Poo Ponds.
Some folk used the sheep drafting method.

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And others decided they were Samson  -  even if they did have gammy knees from tramping.

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Cyclist theme song - "Don't Fence Me In".  This was where Caroll was discovering puncture #1.

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Further along the trail, everyone else was patiently waiting.
Any stop is simply another talk-fest opportunity.

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A Clutter of Bicycles outside MackyD's.
We had made it to the Airport.

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 And a Shamble of Cyclists at the entrance to Puhinui Reserve

We were approaching Beyond!!

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The remains of Matukutureia, or McLaughlins Mountain, seen from the entrance to the Puhinui Reserve.

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A pause at the high point of Puhinui Reserve.

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The view from the top.

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Wonder if this horse has a relative in Troy.

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Riding across the Flat Lands.

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Following the Leader.

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Two styles of negotiating the narrow cattle stops.

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We went for a ride through Fields of Hemlock.
We were curious about the pipe.

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Pipe 'n' Hemlock.

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It goes to nowhere, and there was no one!

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Not the Te Rewa Rewa Bridge!!!

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The sign was right - it went nowhere, being blocked at the far end.

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Air Tahiti Nui vs McLaughlins Mountain.

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Phew!!!    Made it!!

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Then it went hill skipping.

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At our lunch stop there was lots of choice of where to sit.

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Keith was particulary proud of his sandwich.

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Getting ready to leave after lunch.

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Ron's data of where we went.

GarminMap.jpg (158359 bytes)

Click here to play with the live map.









Photos : John



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