Arapuni to Maungatautari.
The guy on the right is cheating!!!
Crossing the Arapuni Suspension Bridge.
The Arapuni Suspension Bridge is 152m long and 54m above the river.
Wolfgang gets caught behind a couple of pedestrians.
A couple of shots on the road from the bridge up to the dam.
The gorge between the dam and the power house.
Downstream face of the Arapuni Dam. It is 64m from foundations to the top.
Looking upstream from the dam.
ACTA holds up traffic for a dam photo.
Lunch stop at Pukeatua.
The message is clear!!
The pest fence around Maungatautari is quite an engineering feat.
The smallest hole in the fence is 6mm.
Getting in to the reserve involves going through security enclosures.
Info shot of the reserve.
We experienced the reserve's tranquility briefly.
South easterly view from the reserve entrance.
On the return journey along Oreipunga Road on the western side of Lake Karapiro.
The final descent.
Maungatautari Road Bridge spanning Lake Karapiro.
Photos : John, unless they were Caroll's or Bryan's.
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