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Waitangi Falls




Waitangi Falls

6 February, 2013


This was our traditional ride to Waitangi Falls on Waitangi Day.  10 members did this ride
while 17 did the usual Wednesday ride from Kumeu.





We we lucky to be at Pukeowhare when GVR's train came through with   Ww644 doing the work.

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JB gives the train a close inspection.

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Lunchtime at Waitangi Falls.

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Waitangi Falls.

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Kids were having a great time jumping from various heights in to the the pool at the foot of the falls.

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Some went from the top.

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This guy did an artistic backward somersault.

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And this guy was content to just soak in the cool water.

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JB showed he was pretty good at hill climbing on foot as well as on the bike.

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He made it safely back to re-join the group as they finished lunch.

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Photos : John




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