Miranda Shorebird Centre Weekend

28 & 29 September, 2013




The civilised way to get to Papakura for a weekend away cycling.

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Lined up and ready to go.

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Coffee stop at Hunua. But not at the store.

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Do we go to the Wairoa or the Mangatawhiri Dam?

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We went to Mangatawhiri.  Bryan is doing what Bryan does well, before the lovely descent in to the valley.  This was puncture 2 of 3 for the day.

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Of course, if you get to the bottom of the Mangatawhiri valley, you have to get out again!!!

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They must be near the top - they are smiling. Not far now to the Mangatangi Dam.

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Mangatangi Dam

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Mangatangi Dam

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Looks like Bryan is coming over to ease the crick in Sue's neck.
Bikes are not the only things he fixes.

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Sue was looking at the face of the Mangatangi Dam, until Ron called out, "Smile".

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Mangatangi Dam.
The image on the right shows where Ron's camera's GPS reckons he was standing.

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Time to head down to the base of the dam.

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At the base, people were lifting their bikes over the gate - until someone leaned on it and it swung open. That gave everyone a well deserved chuckle.

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Leaving Workman Road and anticipating the sprint down the hill to Kaiaua.

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Dinner at the Kaiaua Pub. An excellent dinner. It was so good, only Athol had room for dessert.

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Breakfast time on Sunday.  Are these the early risers??

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This trio is packed and ready to go.

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Ready to head for home.

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If they had motorhomes they would be welcome.   But they didn't, so they carried on.

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A sprint along the beachfront near Whakatiwai.

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Well deserved treats at Kawakawa Bay.

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Ron's GPS Data for Saturday


Ron's GPS Data for Sunday


Photos : Ron



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