Life Members

December, 2014


In his column in the 2015 Summer Spokesman, President Tony Simmons wrote:-

In mid-December, sixty members enjoyed a beautiful Christmas luncheon at the Birkenhead RSA. It was a very special occasion as the Club acknowledged its 65th year! In recognition of this special anniversary, the Club invited and hosted the Club’s Life Members - Bryan Taylor, Pelham Housego, Ron Shipton, Betty Spicer, John McKillop and John Gregory. It was great that the Life Members (and wives) were available to join members and chat. It was a privilege to meet and chat to the Life Members that I had heard so much about. It was very inspiring to hear some of the tales from years gone by.

At the Club Christmas Luncheon, we recognised a new Life Member, Denis Gothorp. At the presentation, I said the following words about Denis and I think it is important that we acknowledge Denis’ contribution for all members to read:

Denis, you joined the Club in 1987 and you have long been a leader of Club rides. Only last year you finally gave up leading the Saturday West rides and the occasional Sunday ride. Even though I am a mere youngster in the Club, many members of longer standing have spoken of the enjoyment of rides that you have led – your warm and welcoming personality, interesting and varied rides, together with being knowledgeable of the highlights in the area being ridden always made for an excellent ride. Denis, your ride leadership is missed, but we will not miss having to climb halfway up the hills to Titirangi to meet at your house in Hilling Street before we could even start the Saturday rides!!

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Denis, your long service to, and participation in the Auckland Cycle Touring Association is well recognised and on behalf of the Club, it is my privilege, to recognise that service and congratulate you on becoming a Life member of the Auckland Cycle Touring Association.

And, here are all the current Life Members.

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Ron Shipton, Bryan Taylor, Denis Gothorp, John Gregory, Pelham Housego, Betty Spicer and John McKillop.






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