March 2010

Masterton - Wellington - Napier
Coastal Tour






Glenburn Station - Castlepoint


-       accommodation & food –

were varied & comfortable - two nights free camping beside  streams, several in tents at camp grounds, two in cabins. The most interesting accommodation was on the stations – staying in the shearers' quarters or a cottage. The standard varied from beds with sheets to rooms the sheep had also frequented!!   Most days we had the luxury of a shower, even the streams were welcome;  we often dined on back country cuisine (dehydrated tinfoil meals where you add boiling water, leave ½ hour & supplement with instant potato, noodles etc), but also managed to sneak in the odd pub meal for variety.





Cycling past the the main woolshed on Flat Point Station.

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Negotiating the uphill towards the airstrip on Flat Point Station.

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Burger and chip dinner at Riversdale Beach.

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Our shearers' quarters at Orui Station, Riversdale.

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The long and winding road to Castlepoint.  Castle Rock is a beacon in the distance.

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Lyn is a bit tentative on some steep downhill gravel on Otahome Road.

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Lunch stop at the southern end of Castlepoint Station.

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The long and winding road continues and Castle Rock draws nearer.

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Looking back to Castle Rock from the viewpoint above the Castlepoint Light.

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Check out Castlepoint from the air.
Have a play with the map.
Zoom out to see more photos embedded on the map.
Click on the thumbnails to view.



















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