Winter Solistice




Winter Solstice Weekend 2012


22 - 24 June, 2012




Friday's and Saturday's rides started at the Taumarunui Holiday Park.

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Ron         Susan         Garth         Louise         Judy         Margaret         Keith         Murray         Andrew



Click here for the GPS detail of today's ride






Early morning preparations.

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Taumarunui is down there somewhere.

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Ruapehu District Council had a road closure for the ACTA ride.

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Two cyclists got away on the downhill.

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This has to be mid-winter!!

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No privacy laws here, so the map gives away the location of all the farmers.

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ACTA members give life to the closed school.

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An ACTA heaven - grass in the middle of a gravel road.

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Time to take in the view.

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The leader works out his community service sentence.

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Blunt speaking in Ohura.

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The sun is about to set on the Forgotten Highway, and Taumarunui seems so far away.
Lucky all the party had lights  -  they needed them!!

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Could it be we are looking at Ruapehu under the clouds??

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Photos: Ron

Captions: Mostly from Garth.





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