East Cape Tour

November, 2014


The photos that follow have been supplied by Colin Quilter, with his commentary included; and Ron Jackson, with a commentary
made up by me. 

I hope I have got the pics in just about the right order, and that I have not told too many porkies.  JMcK. 


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First day team photo at Awakeri before setting off on this year's tour.
This year's team: Marieke, Maurice, Colin, Tony, Annette, Kit, Susan, Steve, Louise, Mike, Ron O, Ron J, Sloop, Garth, Judy, Arnold, Lesley, Rambo, JB, Kathy, Geoff & Glen.

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Cruising the coast towards Opotiki.

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Getting on the sand dunes trail.

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Heading to the beach boardwalk.

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Back on the road, Susan and Ron could not resist a photo stop here.
It felt like home away from home.

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Next morning there was a fine view back along the coast from the top of the first climb.

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Looking back from the bridge to the road from the coast.

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The Motu River mouth from the northern side.  The road down to the river is visible in the distance.

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Incomparable east coast scenery.

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Lunch stop.  Rambo reckons, "Put the table here!"

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The view from the wharf.

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