Taihape to Kuripapango

8 October, 2010


Some VERY serious climbing today.

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Photo :  Bikely








Susan getting ready to combat the cold as we leave Taihape.

We won't mention the gloves.

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Photo :  Ron










Moawhango.      Well, we are OK.  We do not have any caravans, and don't need petrol.  It's not winter.
And we know the road is open.

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Some took the advice.

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High country sheep.  The sheep in this area have longer legs on one side,  to help
negotiate the terrain.

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Ruapehu was lurking in the background at Ohinewairua where we had morning tea.

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Photo :  Ron










Rangitikei River. This is the dip at around 43km in the elevation chart above.
That's a long climb up the other side.  And it's very steep coming down this one

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Rangitikei River Valley.














This beautiful suspension bridge has been replaced by a rather nondescript concrete one.

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Photo :  Ron









Watershed at 960 metres.  It's all downhill from here!!!

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Yeah right!!!

Photo :  Ron












The dip on the horizon is the summit of Gentle Annie.

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Robson Lodge, Kuripapango.

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The descent of Gentle Annie.
















Ngaruroro River, Kuripapango

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Robson Lodge Bike Garage

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JB working at getting his Fireman's ticket.
If he is not successful we all have cold showers.

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We all had hot showers.  Good on you, JB.

Mind you, it was a challenge.   Someone had removed the axe, so getting kindling was
an interesting exercise.   Pots also were missing.  Luckily Glen found a fairly new galvanised
bucket that we used for boiling water for drinking,  and cooking our Back Country Cuisine.
We tried not to think about what the bucket may have been used for previously.











Back Country Cuisine time.

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Photo :  Ron










With no electricity, playing cards at Robson Lodge was an interesting exercise.
Ron's torch worked well.

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The time in Auckland, New Zealand is








Photos : Mack, unless they were taken by Ron.

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