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King Country Capers




King Country Capers

Hunterville to Waiouru  09/11/2012




Hunterville Head Count.

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Photo: Ron J








Serenity on Bruce St.

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Photo: Margaret








Once again, sit back and enjoy the ride.   This time, as we head up the Turakina Valley.

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Photo: Margaret








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Photo: Margaret









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Photo: Margaret








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Photo: Margaret








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Photo: Kit









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Photo: Tony








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Photo: Margaret









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Photo: Margaret









Not far to go now.

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Photo: Margaret







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Photo: Maurice









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Photo: Arnold








This may have been handy coming up the Turakina Valley.

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Photo: Maurice








Ray had better watch out that that thing doesn't go "POP!!".

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Photo: Margaret









Waiouru Military Camp Barracks.

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Photo: Maurice







We were not the only guests in the Mess. The guys in the background were Uncle Sam's, here to exercise with our Soldiers.

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Photo: Garth




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