Bryan's Rainbow/Molesworth Ride

December, 2011



Late afternoon the day before the journey proper commenced, at Lake Rotoiti, St Arnaud!

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The road is sealed for about the first 10km to the turnoff to the Rainbow Ski Field.

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A practice for greater things to come!!!!.

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It had been raining much of the day and this hut was up a little side track,
at Connor's Creek.  It was reached about 4:00 p.m.

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The view from Connor's Creek Hut.

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Next day the travellers did not get far before they came to this ford about 7:45.
There was no way the bikes could be wheeled through here with their panniers attached.
Brian was having a problem just on foot!

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An hour later.

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The land of contrasts : this was less than 15 minutes from the previous scene.

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Half an hour later!!

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Another 30 minutes on.  Must have just about been time for a coffee stop.

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The route is down the left hand side from St Arnaud and over Jack's Pass to Hanmer,
and then up the middle to exit top right to Blenheim.

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Another climb is left behind.

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Arrival at Lake Tennyson about 4:30 p.m.

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Sunset at Lake Tennyson.

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A good frost to greet the travellers at the start of day 3.   It is not yet 6:30.

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Of course, good frosts usually develop in to a glorious day.
This is the outlet of Lake Tennyson .

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11:30 and The Rainbow Road part of the journey is just about over, with low cloud
drifting over from Jack's Pass.

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There was a rest day at Hanmer Springs, then it was all on again.
Brian and Rachel left the group at this stage for a more civilised route to
continue their travels.






This graphic at Acheron gave Bryan, Colin and David a good idea of what lay ahead.

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There was a guest already in residance at the
Acheron Accommodation House.

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Acheron Accommodation House, built in 1862 - 1863.

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Because of camping restraints in The Molesworth, camp had to be made here, even though it was not yet noon.











The kitchen.   As an historic building, there is now NO accommodation here, and
travellers need to camp once again.

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Interesting rock formations on the banks of the Clarence River.

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Looks like David is a little dubious about crossing the bridge.
Can't fault his reasoning.
Mind you, it seems to be fairly well barricaded.

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Almost 7:00 p.m.

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9:00 a.m. on the 11th, time for a drink on the banks of the Acheron River.

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Isolated Flat,   just after crossing Isolated Saddle.  It was time for lunch at the trees and then
time for suffering afterwards with heat, rough gravel, and a head wind.

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Molesworth Horses.

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Molesworth Cob Cottage, originally built as a one roomed hut in 1866.

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8:00 on the 12th, back on public road and heading toward the final camp.

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But not before climbing out of the Upper Awatere Valley.

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Finally, the last camp about 5:00pm.

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A rather satisfied Colin and Bryan heading home on The Overlander.
David had chosen to fly home from Blenheim.

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Photos : Bryan.









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