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To Tarras

3 March, 2012


Getting ready to leave Clyde and the Rail Trail.

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Photo : Selwyn







Eli's pose.   Is it possible he's related to Bwucie.

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Photo : Eli   (how did he do that?)








Eying up the hill to get to the top of the dam.

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Photo : Eli









Maurice is almost at the top - Selwyn decides he does not need to ride the last few metres.

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Photo : Eli







The view back toward Clyde from somewhere up near Cromwell

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Photo : Maurice







Suburban Cromwell.

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Photo : Maurice







The Pisa Range makes a great backdrop to Cromwell.

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Photo : Eli






Warwick alongside Lake Dunstan, with the Pisa Range in the background.

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Photo : Eli







You too could look like this if you cycled a lot with ACTA.

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Photo : Selwyn








And your bike might get to look like this.

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Photo : Maurice








Tarras Blackboard

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Photo : Eli







This is a good place to have an ice cream on a hot Otago afternoon.

But, maybe not today.

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Photo : Maurice







Guess who will get these in.......

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Photo : Maurice







A woman's work is never done.

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Photo : Eli







At least it entitles her to a rest.

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Photo : Maurice


(Editor's note - I have been assured that the blokes did look after their own washing,
and that a certain amount of Editorial stretching of the truth has taken place here.)







Tarras Tucker.

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Photo : Eli








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Photo : Eli






A stroll to end the day at Tarras.

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(The washing has still not been brought in!)

Photo : Eli





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