South Island Back Country Tour

20 February to 7 March, 2014

Page Three - Bannockburn to Otematata

Several sections are covered on this page. 24th to Becks,
25th to Naseby, 27th to Danseys Pass and 28th to Otematata.




A quick ride from Bannockburn, and it's time for coffee at Clyde.

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A section of the Otago Rail Trail was ridden because of prevailing conditions.

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The White Horse Hotel at Becks.

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Time for another roll call before leaving Becks.
Yay!!  There are still 13 riders.
And they are smiling.

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Blue Lake at St Bathans.

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BNSW St Bathans Branch.

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NZPO, St Bathans.

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Downtown, St Bathans.

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No visit to St Bathans is complete without a visit to the Vulcan Hotel.

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Heading towards Idaburn.

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Lunch time.
Gorge Creek Flats near Idaburn.

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Naseby on the rest day there.  Looks like Naseby was resting too.

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Getting ready to leave Larchview Holiday Park at Naseby on the 27th.

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Heading to Danseys Pass

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Don't know what Glen was guilty of, but surely it did not warrant using the guillotine.

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Getting ever closer to Danseys Pass.

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The hills start to close in.

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The welcome bar at the Danseys Pass pub.

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Great place to park your bike.

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The lounge looks really comfortable.
And it has a great dress code.

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Coffee's finished.  Time to move on.

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Danseys Pass.

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Lunch time.

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That looks interesting!!

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Lovely downhill.

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Are we there yet??

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Danseys Pass Camp.

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Otematata camp.

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Nice outlook from the Otematata camp.

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