South Island Back Country Tour

20 February to 7 March, 2014

Page Five - Albury to Christchurch

This covers the 4th to Geraldine, 5th to Mt Somers,
6th to Glentunnel and 7th to Christchurch.




The tourists have arrived at Pleasant Point on the way to Geraldine.

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Looks like a legendary place for a coffee.

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There is a story.

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Annette explained in one of her emails.
One of our cyclists, Kit,  has been doing a study on the use of wire wove beds in the South island. He has been amazed that almost every stop, once we reverted to cabins and hotels because of the rain and cold, have had wire woves. He has even taken it upon himself to go around with his spanner trying to tighten up any that he came across.









Easy cruising in Canterbury.  Just compare this with a few days ago.

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Time for shopping.

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Coffee - again - at Staveley.

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The Good Samaritan.

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Another note from Annette:-

Further along we dropped down the Rakaia Gorge and waited, as Lyn had had a problem with her bike. Surprise surprise!! Lyn turned up in a four wheel drive with her bike on the back as a kind fellow cycle tourist with a bike rack was able to give her a lift to Glentunnel.

We waited for Neale then carried on.  Neale actually carried on into Christchurch and brought their  campervan back to meet us in the campground at Glentunnel. The next day they carried on to Christchurch in the van.








Rakaia Gorge

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On the road to Glentunnel.

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This could only happen in Glentunnel.

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And I think that had better be where we leave this photographic record of this epic tour.
It looks like it may possibly be needing to be X rated from here on.


And besides, there were no photos from here on. It must have felt like being back in suburbia.




Thanks to Annette & Stephen, Geoff, Kit, Lyn & Neale, and Ron for sharing their images with us and showing
the many of us who could not do the tour just what we had been missing.





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