Two Islands Tour

February, 2015


The Club's annual unsupported tour this year started in the Wairarapa, traversed the Rimutaka Range,
crossed Cook Straight, tackled the Rainbow and Molesworth in one go (with no visits to civilization -NO COFFEE SHOPS),
crossed Cook Straight again, and went round the coast passing Pencarrow, Baring and Turakirae Heads on the
way back to the Wairarapa.

Ron O took some amazing photos.




The remains of some Fell locos at Summit station and the top of the Rimutaka Incline.

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Descending the easy, western, side of the Rimtaka Rail Trail.

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The start of the Rainbow road.

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Rainbow Road.

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More Rainbow Road.

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Time for a break.

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Another saddle.  Ron's looking pretty happy about it.

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A lovely downhill part of the Rainbow Road.

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Lake Tennyson.

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The Lake Tennyson shelter.

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Now heading in to Molesworth, alongside the Clarence River.

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You can only go on Molesworth if you have a permit.

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Molesworth picnic spot.

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JB enjoying Molesworth's solitude.

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A nice green oasis.

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Sorting cattle in the Lower Molesworth.

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Merino rams, Lower Molesworth.

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Inland Kaikouras.

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Inland Kaikouras.

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Suddenly we are back in the North Island.  Approaching Pencarrow Head at the entrance to Wellington Harbour.

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A wreck near Baring Head.

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A view from Baring Head.

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Difficult trail near Turakirae Head.

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Challenging trail near Turakirae Head.

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And that's it.  Thanks Ron for the great images.







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