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Auckland Cycle Touring Association



Taranaki Tunnel Tour

November, 2007


Whangamomona - New Plymouth

Thursday 8th




Getting ready to leave Whangamomona

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There is a variety of signs along the road welcoming strangers to
the Republic of Whangamomona.

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Rest stop at the top of the Whangamomona Saddle -

or should that be "Le Col Du Whangamomona"?

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Photo: Margaret








This is the way Ed saw it.

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Photo: Ed









This is the top of the Pohokura Saddle - not such a challenging climb
(especially as it was my turn to do the driving  :-)  

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The very smooth Matau Road Tunnel.
This is one of the longer tunnels we encountered.

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Photo: Ed









Getting ready to go in to the dark.
The tunnel had a reasonable downgrade so it was easy just to coast through.

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Photo: Margaret






We made it!

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Photo: Margaret










Looking back to the southern end.

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....and the northern portal,
where we had morning tea.

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Next thing we knew it was lunch time at Purangi.

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Photo: Ed






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Photo: Margaret









We knew it was Purangi, 'cos the orchard sign said it was.

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Bet this looks gorgeous in the autumn.

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Photo: Margaret








Our last tunnel for the day on Otaraoa Road.

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Photo: Margaret










There's plenty of room for the Rosa,
but it looks like a few high loads have scraped the sides.

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This tunnel tricked us : the road kept on climbing after we had gone through.

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The McKee oil field out the back of Waitara.

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Photos : John McK unless otherwise credited.

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